Thanks to Terence, many of us are now into coffee. I tell you its more cheem then wine, cuz wine is just buying and drinking, but coffee, is buying, making, then drinking… There is a whole study on making the perfect cup of coffee, but i’m such a noob at it still, so don’t wanna humiliate myself. If you are truly interested, do check out guides available on the net to make your very own cuppa.
As you can see, my whole family is quite into it too.
Maybe u want to share with us the equipments u used and where can we get those equipments from???
It’s so cute to see Clie doing the thumb-up sign and the cups are unique!
hee.. T and his coffee antics – us CNLers r always up to new & crazy things..
im thinking about working at a starbucks
so when are you guys coming?
you should grow a beard
Hey nick ….Thanks so much for the christmas e card =) merry christmas god bless you and your family =)
Hi and happy hols!
Did clie really drink coffee? :O