That’s not what I meant

What do you understand by “having prata”? Some people think its going down to the hawker centre to buy some fried dough and consuming it. But that to me is not really having prata.

Having prata is a happening event, having my wife a few friends, siblings or cousins hanging out together at a nice breezy place having supper and tea. Due to my limited command of descriptive english, I think that’s how I would put it in words… but if you think its just to eat roti prata, then that’s not what I meant.

I’m lazy to explain and I don’t think you want to hear my lengthy concept of what “having prata” really means to me, so I will just ask you if you wanna “have prata”.

This lazy-to-explain and unwillingness-to-listen leads to problems limited only by your imagination.

When a teacher asks a student what is 1 + 1? The student might answer 2, but with an unending inquiring string of “why”, the teacher might have no choice but to try and explain the country’s policy on education and the necessity of propaganda.

After going on about something which I’m not sure if I have put it correctly, I hope you understood what I wanted to say. But then again that might not be what I meant.

3 Replies to “That’s not what I meant”

  1. Hi Nick!
    This is my first comment of the year!! Been “tuning in” to ur webpage quite frequently since last year but didn’t have any comment to share. Tot I’d juz gve my 2 cents worth now. I share your concept of “having prata” ‘coz back in s’pore seeing “prata tonight” on my HP means going to pasir panjang, beach road, jalan kayu or the prata shops near NUS for a hang out with close friends. Kinda miss those days mann!! Stuck here in perth the only prata I can find are frozen ones from the chinese shop…hahaha….
    Cheers Mate!
    Stando :-)
    P.S: Check out another prata shop in bukit timah near the shell station in toh yi drive….nice place…can be crowded on weekends…mostly bikies(not gypsy jokers) or street cars. hahaha

  2. Hey Nick! Great! Nice place huh?! So…are u back in perth? Me going back on 1st Feb…for the new year…be back here on the 18th. Sheesh….exams coming mann!! 2 more weeks and I’ll be through….

  3. I’ve been there before Stanley, its quite a happening place i have to admit. My sis-in-law stays at Bukit Panjang, so we do go to the place opposite Beauty World once in a while. ;D

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