Chloe and Clié were at Parkway Parade today and trust me, they had fun.
5 Replies to “Fountain of Youth”
hi nick! i have been viewing your blog since the birth of clie. im interested to create a website like yours but how do i go about starting my first step. your valuable advices and assistance will be greatly appreciated. thanks.
fun your head
the pictures make me wanna giggle. haha.
hhaha…great childhood times
(‘ ‘,)
Beware of letting your little ones play in the fountains… the water is recycled and riddled with germs…
hi nick! i have been viewing your blog since the birth of clie. im interested to create a website like yours but how do i go about starting my first step. your valuable advices and assistance will be greatly appreciated. thanks.
fun your head
the pictures make me wanna giggle. haha.
hhaha…great childhood times
(‘ ‘,)
Beware of letting your little ones play in the fountains… the water is recycled and riddled with germs…