Just 1 month more to National day and its time to fly our flags once again.
4553009 (Singapore population) / 6602224175 (World population) = 0.00068961745
Therefore there is only a 0.068961745% chance that you will be a Singaporean in July 2007.
I’m so blessed just being a Singaporean.
I’m so delighted that someone is as proud as I am to be a Singaporean.
glad to know some of us are proud to be a Singaporean.
Look forward to listen the National Day Rally………..cheers!
technically speaking, you would need to take the number of babies born in Singapore in July, divide this by the number of babies born in the world in July over at least the past 10 years. Then multiply this number by 100 to get an accurate probability of your Singaporean-ness in July 2007. See my math degree was not in vain!!! -popsicletoes aka Math Geek Goddess