If you’ve not heard about #TNBB or The Next Big Bang!, you missed a wonderful sharing session. It was held last Saturday 13 Nov 2010 at Standing Sushi Bar at 8 Queen Street organised by non other then Claudia Lim.
Daniel Goh started the sharing session and shared about the last 10 years and predicts some possible futures from his perspective. The 6 main things were:
- More Mash-ups
- Collaborative Creation
- Power to the People
- Connection Curation
- Increased Activism
- Gamification
See his slides on Slideshare. His slides made top presentation of the day on Slideshare, so its really good stuff. Most of the 6 points are already happening now and I really think he have had a glimpse of the future.

Howie Chang was up next and he talked about UX101. He shared about how User Experience is becoming more recognised as an important part of design and based it on Stephen Anderson’s User Experience Hierarchy of Needs model from his Creating Pleasurable Interfaces presentation. I’m looking forward to see his slides up on the net as he did not manage to finish building his slides in time for the event.
Next up was Brian Ling from Design Sojourn who shared about how his career path was like. And now how he finally deciding to start out on his own with his blog as the main primary marketing vehicle to his design consultancy business. He is clearly rich in experience and made the right preparations before this transition. I wish Design Sojourn all the best in its business. :)

Jon Yongfook gave us a sneek preview of his latest project Littlecosm and it really looks like a fun website. It allows your positive and negative twitter updates to evolve your Littlecosm character and with its light / dark points, individuals will have different capabilities. Check out his slides on Slideshare.

Last up was Todd Kurie from MyCube. Being personally involved in MyCube late last year and earlier this year, I’m glad to see its progress and am excited for its launch early 2011.
You can also see Claudia’s post about the event which have lots more details, photos and links.
The Future
The future is indeed exciting and its very possible that The Next Big Bang can come from Singapore. All you need is an idea to solve a real world problem, a few individuals who want to make it happen and enough resources to make it happen. I always tell myself that any idea I come up with might already be thought by someone else and sometimes loose that drive to want to do anything about the idea. However, looking at those days when we thought Yahoo was it, then came along Google, then when we thought Google was it, then came along Facebook, Now Twitter and Foursquare is on the rise and a recent study showed 75% of 16,000 mobile Youtube users said mobile is their primary way of consuming Youtube content.
The world changes everyday and people’s needs change as well, this means there will constantly be a need for new answer to new problems.
A few videos to make all of us excited.
Ideas for next #TNBB
Overall, I think the event was clearly a success with a healthy number of people attending (some had to stand at the back) and with interesting speakers with lots of depth in what they were sharing. I’m already looking forward to the next TNBB already.
A few ideas of how I think TNBB could take shape in the future which I shared briefly with Claudia.
- By Demographic – Invite 6 speakers, two from below 20 years old, two from 20 to 30 years old and two from above 30 years old. I believe the ways this 3 group create, consume and interact with online content are drastically different. I cannot understand how some kids can have 200 Facebook comments in a few minutes, while I clearly understand the challenges a > 30 years old face when they want to blog *cough* work *cough* family *cough*.
- By Industry – Every quarter and organised into verticals.
- Q1 2011 – Technology
- Q2 2011 – Cars
- Q3 2011 – Photography
- Q4 2011 – Fashion
- Q1 2012 – Food
- Q2 2012 – Kids & Parenting
- Q3 2012 – Business & Marketing
- Q4 2012 – Sports
- Q1 2013 – Music
- Q2 2013 – Design & Creative
- Q3 2013 – Gaming
- Q4 2013 – Travel
- etc…
- Across Online Disciplines – Lots of different disciplines are online so we can touch on:
- Online Creative Design
- Online Marketing
- Online Social Marketing
- Online Technical Development
- Online Product Development
- Online Game Development
- Online Applications
- etc…
The key I think is so long the target audience is clearly defined and kept consistent, it will not be difficult to know what interests this core target audience.
If you have any ideas, feel free to comment here or DM Claudia at @claudia10 or post on the Facebook Page.
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