Of late I’ve got quite serious with wine and looking at my main Instagram account, almost 80% of them were about wine in the past months. So I’m going to stop spamming my friends with all my wine stuff on my main social accounts and I’ve setup a separate Instagram for it at @nickpan.drinks. So follow me there if you are interested in my wine adventures.
During the past months, I’ve also setup a Facebook Group called Little Red Drop which is a strictly non commercial wine group to discuss about wine and make friends in Singapore who love wine . It is NOT about sales, promos or anything commercial.
Also, I’ve setup a Facebook Page called Singapore Wine Mailing List and as it’s name suggests, the content are extracted from Wine Mailing lists in Singapore. And I hope to bring all the wonderful deals and promotions from merchant’s emails to our fellow local wine drinker’s Facebook feed.
More about these 2 new properties on a separate post, for now, follow me on @nickpan.drinks on Instagram. Thanks.