Actually there is no such site right now, but it would be good for Singapore to have one at some point. *looks at IDA*
Under the Obama administration, the US Federal CIO Council recently launched
“A primary goal of is to improve access to Federal data and expand creative use of those data beyond the walls of government by encouraging innovative ideas (e.g., web applications). strives to make government more transparent and is committed to creating an unprecedented level of openness in Government. The openness derived from will strengthen our Nation’s democracy and promote efficiency and effectiveness in Government.” from
It might seem like just another site, but its implication is HUGE, especially when i recently read Wired’s Road Map for Financial Recovery: Radical Transparency Now!
“Keeping the rest of us safe can no longer fall to government regulators alone. But if we enable a system in which everyone is a regulator, there just might be enough eyes, enough checks and balances, enough promising DIY economists out there to make sure the financial world doesn’t innovate the real world into depression ever again.” from Wired.
Having attended the recent WebSG Meetup, the issue about opening up government data to the general public was also touched on. I so hope to see Singaporeans stepping forward with innovative ideas on how government data can be used / presented / analysed so as to achieve happiness, prosperity & progress for our nation.
If you have ideas, pls share.
Not bad, I might steal that domain for my IDM database. LOL