Clié’s 7th Birthday

My darlings

Happy birthday to my darling Clié.

This year, she wanted to invite all her school classmate and quite a few of them turned up. Also one of her friend from her neighbourhood tution class came too.

As it was a 10am thingy, so we got up super early to prepare stuff. My wife prepare the food and I did up the decor as usual. The kids however were also busy trying to dress up, which was later re-did totally by mommy.

Happy 7th Birthday Clié

This group shot was the only decent shot that showed all the kids that were present and i think this picture will bring back fond memories when she grows alot older.

Lana cake. Yum.

My wife actually wanted to make a Princess cake, but after the first somewhat successful trail a week ago, she decided to get a good cake instead and got a Lana cake.

The adults had lots to talk about too.

Its amazing that its been 7 years already. She was just a small baby sleeping on my chest just a few years ago. I remember the love I had for her then and its the same love now, the unconditional love.

Happy birthday my girl. May your days be joyful and filled with people who loves you.

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