India 2.0

Spark The Rise - The First Week
Spark The Rise - The First Week

I’ve been to India once in my life so far and it was in Feb 2010 with a few of my colleagues for work. After visiting the country and seeing first hand for myself what Mumbai was about (in my short few days), I felt that there was so much the country had to offer. The land is huge, the people are plenty, resources are abundant and did it ever occurred to you that India is the most populous democracy in our world currently?

To me India is like a battery, stored energy… sooner or later It will become one of the superpowers and i’m sure i’ll get to see it in my lifetime. But now, it still has its challenges, its still considered an emerging economy, a developing country.

Our company recently launched Its  a platform to drive positive change in India. Its like Kickstarter, but for a country. Imagine the possibilities, imagine what can be achieved. Backed by one of India’s largest conglomerates Mahindra and Mahindra, there is funding on the table for good ideas. And its great to see an influx of interests by the general public.

Within a week, 1960 projects have been submitted to the site and this is only the first week. I really hope this initiative will start the momentum for greater things to happen in India. Its possible, very possible. All it needs is a spark.

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