YAY! I hit my target of 10km under 50mins! My personal best so far. Have been training for it and psyching myself in preparation for this. One week I even did 3 x 10kms just to build the endurance.
Andy from office joined me and because I was a Sundown with Love Ambassador, we could flag off right at the front with the elite runners. Felt really weird because they look so pro, but both of us looked so normal. lol.
Ashik from office also have been spurring me on as one of my practice runs, he was pacing me. His 10km is already sub 50mins, so perfect run partner for me.
Andy is also a Sundown with Love Ambassador and he is attempting his 1st ever Marathon! Respects. I’m so inspired by his journey. You can read more about it at his blog. Glad to have caught him before he started his run.
After completing 10km with Andy, Linda and Ashik was getting ready for their 21km, so all the best to them. Till the next run!