Over the past few weeks, Cryptocurrencies made headlines globally and one cryptocurrency that is of huge interest by many would be Ethereum.
Using blockchain technology and also smart contracts, the technology sees many big names adopting it by joining the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance. Members such as BP, Microsoft, Samsung, Intel, Toyota, UBS, Credit Suisse, J.P. Morgan, BBVA, Natioanl Bank of Canada, ING, Deloitte, Accenture, Infosys, Wipro and many other Cryptocurrency players in the market and invested in some form or another in it.
Some might think it is a bubble which is not technically wrong, but If you know the technology behind it and the potential behind it and with more organisations backing it, its time to start investing in it IMHO. I’m a noob in this and have only started getting into investing in Ethereum very recently.
If you want to start, there is a startup called Coinhako that makes transferring money from Singapore banks very easy and lets you buy Ethereum quite easily. (Yes I’ve added my referral code and hope you support as you will get SGD$5 and me too).
Some are calling Ethereum the next new internet and i’m inclined to agree. So if you are interested, read up about blockchain technology and what Smart Contracts are. Here are some Videos to start you off with.
I’m no expert, but hope this helps you get started about knowing what the future will bring.
And another video from Vitalik Buterin is the co-founder of Ethereum.
I really think someone should help me get a makeover to look less like a Russian hacker, but a reputable genius which he truly is.