OED. an Update to OCD.

Photo by Samuel Zeller on Unsplash

“Oh man, you’re such an OCD…” such phrases are common and it’s usually with a grin and sometimes a little chuckle especially to those who have to align every single stationary on their desk or that magazine on the coffee table at the café.

But I think the phrase is wrongly used and it’s time to update it. OCD is a mental disorder, nothing laugh about.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is an anxiety disorder in which people have recurring, unwanted thoughts, ideas or sensations (obsessions) that make them feel driven to do something repetitively (compulsions). These include unwanted thoughts or images of harming loved ones, persistent doubts that one has not locked doors or switched off electrical appliances, and intrusive thoughts of being contaminated, etc. OCD can significantly interfere with a person’s daily activities and social interactions.

In a recent mental health study (SMHS 2016) shows that one in 28 people suffer from OCD and more than three-quarters don’t seek any professional help. It’s a serious thing and I don’t think we should use the term loosely and it’s surely not a laughing matter.

I’ve for the longest time held to the belief that “if you are not at least a little OCD, then you don’t care enough” so I fully embrace my OCD in the professional sense. However every time after saying it, I feel it’s not absolutely accurate as what I’m trying to say is not actually a disorder or bad and instead it should be encouraged.

It’s inaccurate. It needs an update. Wrong use of OCD needs to be changed to OED.

Obsessive Excellence Desire (OED) is an attitude, virtue and outlook in life in which people have constant, unavoidable observations, irritations (obsessive) that make them feel things that aren’t done well needs, can and should be improved (excellence). This pursuit of intentional care and desire of betterment is done with the desire to improve. OED is not crippling and inefficient, but productive, effective and significantly improves the output quality of everything a person does on a regular basis.

So next time someone tells you “Oh man that’s OED…”, reply “Thanks Babe…”.

ps: yes, i’ve given a fair bit of thought on the acronym to make sure it rolls of the tongue easily.

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