Pearl is in her week 36 now and she is doing well. This is so exciting, we are actually going to be parents by Christmas. Thank God for such a wonderful gift from above. ;D
Family guy with 3 Daughters, Digital Guy, Wine Community Leader, Runner in Singapore.
Pearl is in her week 36 now and she is doing well. This is so exciting, we are actually going to be parents by Christmas. Thank God for such a wonderful gift from above. ;D
hey nic & pearl,
looking forward to seeing Clie too!!! I already bought her some real funky socks for Christmas – cant wait to see her :)
baby baby! take photos =P
wah nick, i know this is irrelevant to this post, but that pic of you on the left is totally brilliant man.
really so excited for both of you… and pearl, you really on target… dec 2002 remember???
Congrats!! :)
God bless and keep the three of you. Maybe Clié will grow up with a high-megapixel photographic memory like the new PDAs.
Hi Nic n Pearl, congrats on the baby gal. She has the coolest name ever. =)
Everyone is perth is ok, Joyce, Jason, Zul, Yossi are all back while, yes, i’ll still stuck here. Good luck and take good care of Pearl coz it’s goin to get painful soon~ ;P
Yah lor Anne, we stuck to the 2002 Dec plan. I think God played a big part in making that possible. :D