Monster House

Cleo fighting for my attention
^ Cleo the superhero

There will be no one taking care of my girls in the day till we get another helper. Pearl just took 2 weeks leave and her mega project just started and she was the main coordinator. I had to be the one and i’m glad my understanding boss allowed me to work from home during this difficult period.

Cleo fighting for my attention
^ Cleo fighting for my attention

I’m still quite new to this and am trying to get things into a routine.

The Routine

6:30am – get kids ready for school
7:10am – bring kids down to catch the school bus
7:20am – start the computer and work starts
7:50am – kiss wife as she leave home for work
9:00am – have a simple breakfast at the computer
11:50am – wait for kids return from school
12:15pm – prepare lunch for kids
12:30pm – Lunch and FEED!!! (hardest task ever)
1:00pm – clean up the mess
1:15pm – shower and change the kids
1:45pm – give kids their milk bottles
2:00pm – make them sleep
2:15pm – back to work
5:00pm – kids get up , give them snacks
5:15pm – keep sane and reply multiple work MSN
7:00pm – Dinner and FEED!!! (argghh)
8:00pm – washup everything
9:00pm – wife returns / family time
10:00pm – wife get kids to bed
10:00pm – I wash, laundry, sweep, mop, tidy
11:30pm – shower / time out
12:00am – prepare next day’s work
2:00am – sleep

Cleo with her toys
^ Cleo with her toys

My kids love to see me at home as i’m usually at work and at weekends, i’m sometimes just too tiered to do anything. Its been 1 week. I’m damn tired.

I’m glad we have confirmed another helper already and I pray hard that she will be a good helper. Most likely I’ve got to keep to this routine for about another week more, then my wife can take over for a few days and train our new helper.

Its time for me to taste what its like to be a single parent. Its been just a week and i have LOADS of respect already for single parents. May my kids have mercy on me…

6 Replies to “Monster House”

  1. omg! i burst out laughing at the last sentence! hahaha

    yeah, being in Design too, I can fully understand what you mean when you said “at weekends, i’m sometimes just too tiered to do anything.”


  2. i’m totally impressed you manage to do this for a week!! mm.. i wonder if mine can do it. maybe i should try to put the kids with him the whole day sometime…hehe.

  3. Oh man, Nick! you so the daddy! haha! i can only empathise, esp the feeding times which can make one go totally insane! hang in there lah. hope your new helper will be a good one. good helpers are few & far in between.

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