When the exams are done, its back to sg for a well deserved break. This semester has been very tough, i took five units while some of my other friends in uni took three and there were a few who took two. If its not because I want to graduate on time I would not have put myself through such an overload.
The next few days would be studying for the exams, packing, cleaning and trying very hard to remember things i will forget to bring back to sg. Pearl is going back a few days earlier to go for our flat selection in Punggol 21. Its either we choose or we get a resale flat. Hmm… can’t wait to own my own place.
On top of my to do list when I go back to sg is to revamp my site and to look for a holiday job. If anybody knows of any vacancies for a web designer for like till mid-feb2002, pls pls pls lemme know.
Sentosa here I come!!