I’m missing the good o’l skating days as i restart UrbanPlayground on its new url at http://up.nickpan.com. The passion in the skaters i know is magical, the skate sessions were priceless… I remember uncle Steven asking a group of youth in around 1997 – 1998 about their ambitions and when it got to my turn i said i wanted to build a skatepark and provide positive influence to the youth at large… and up till today i still wanna do that…
My bro and i built a funbox from scratch at home and looking back i’m quite happy we did not just talk about it, but actually got around to actually making it happen.
Of cause after building it, it was party time! we got like 20+ skater friends over and we hit the funbox like mad. On the left is Andrew who was one of the smoothes skaters i know then and he was very natural in his backside farfernugens. On the right is Brian who did the sickest entry and exits, things like 270s and 360s before and after tricks. Here is him doing a Savannah which was very progressive at that time and amongst fellow skaters.
At around 11pm the cops arrived and asked us all to stop what were we doing… i think our one too many cheers to fellow skaters for landing sick tricks were just too much for the old lady opposite the road.
Here is me doing a Christ Grind at Festival Park in Tampines. I’ve hanged up my skates… it did its time and its busted… i’ll get a new pair… i will… its not over yet…
Those were the days my friend, u thought they would never end……..blah blah (as in the song)
Tks for bringing back those pics, thought they were lost forever but i think i should have the photos somewhere.(if i can find it)
p.s tats a coo! looking christ grind but to me its more like a freestyle no hander backslide
nick was that you in the first pic? ur really skinny back then eh?
oic. but looks like a nice grind anyway. must be a pro cameraman, shot u at the perfect time…haha
you really should give action to that dream. it is truly one worthy of cause man. :)
christ grind! i remember tat trick too. and is tat a k2 fatty? i wanted to get em last time, till the 5th elements showed up. wooo….
wow, you were a skater? you have skills nick! :)
yea Nick,
skaters RoCk! muahahahaaha
me gonna get a pair of new blades soon too!
(‘ ‘,)
nice freestyle christ…hope to see skate again!
the first pic, i’m on the left, my bro in the centre, no one on the right.
brian, i was doing a christ grind, but my wheel got stuck at the buckel. I will scan all the photos and post it up on rbanPlayground Gallery to be archived forever and for all to see. ;D