We had a party for Johanna today which was organised by Olyna. Only after counting the years, i then realise she has been in Australia for like 7 – 8 years already. Wow thats a long time to be away.
It was a pot luck, so there were alot of food. From Pasta to Chips, Shepherds pie to Pearl’s cheescake. It was alot of fun. Well its sad to have friends going away, but we wish Johanna blessings and best wishes where ever she may be.
So surprised!! and so blessed that you guys were there to celebrate my life….even though i was so stressed out with the cooking. HAHHAH
It was definitely a night that’s been etched into my mind & heart as precious precious becoz it meant a lot to me…to see people whom i’ve spent my early years growing up with, now here at this point of my life sharing it with me.
whoa. :)
thanks for the honor. and the well-wishes.
btw. could you maybe send me photos?? thanks.