Punggol Waterway opened 2 weeks ago, 23rd Oct 2011 to be exact. As supportive Punggolians, our whole family went down to see what the buzz was all about. We managed to park by the road and this was the first view of the waterway. Fwah… impressive and the crowd was madness.
We walked quite a long way and eventually arrived at the sand play area. Very nice. Mental note was to make sure we come again in the day. There were some sandcastle pros doing some impressive work. A touch of the sand and you know its not the crappy type of sand you find at East Coast. Should be great to build with.
The crowd gathered at the main area to see the performance, but the whole place being so crowded and us being not so kiasu, we ended up quite far behind and did not manage to see much. But everyone caught the fireworks. :)
I turned my head around and the amount of people behind us was super alot. People were all over the slopes, on the bridges, along the waterway. It felt like a mini NDP.
So TODAY, we made time to go check out this new place in our neighbourhood properly. Armed with wife, 3 kids, pails & spades, extra clothes and iPhone4s Thepans descended on Punggol Waterway.
There is a decent parking area for about 10 – 15 cars I guess, kinda small, but good thing is there are parking lots all over the roadside, so no biggie.
The bridges look beautiful in the day. The amount of greenery was really nice.
The waterway is beautiful, there were fountains (which river in Singapore have fountains?? Tell me!!) so cool right. It feels like some kind of tourist place.
The meandering river is really nice, all decked out with well planned landscaping. Its like its drawn out from some artists impression, but no its right infront of me. Super cool.
We brought the kids here to play sand. They have been nagging us to bring them to Punggol Promenade Riverside Walk to play sand, but that place is not really geared up for full on sand play, but this place is.
Clara loves the feel of the sand. She will walk around, touch the sand, sit down, grab the sand and let the sand slide out from her hand. I think she should be right handed as she always use the spade with her right hand.
The sand play area is huge. There were lots of people there and the quality of the sand is really good. If you dig like 5cm deep, you start to see moist fine sand. Its perfect for building stuff. You know how we always get sea water to mix with the sand to make it stronger. You seriously don’t need to do that here. I don’t know how this place is like when its pouring.
The kids really enjoyed themselves. Of cause Clara crushed every single standing structure that her sisters did. And I told Cleo this was the exact same thing Cleo did to Clié’s sandcastles when she was younger.
The Water Play area came alive at 6:30pm. The kids immediately wanted to head over. We packed our stuff and went.
There were alot of kids. Alot of running, screaming and super excited kids.
Clié and Cleo started running around too, but I held on to Clara as it was just too dangerous with all those kids. Clara was super excited too and the cold water did not bother her one bit. We only allowed her to play for only about 7 – 10 minutes as the evening winds were blowing quite strongly towards the northeast and wet clothes only meant super cold kids.
We dried Clara up and the older sisters went to the toilet to get changed with the help of mommy.
Just outside the toilet was the Exercise Area. Its simple and had a few new-ish type contraptions.
The sun started to set. It was overall a nice experience. I reckon it would be a romantic place to have a nice picnic with someone you love… only if the whole of Punggol is not also there with you.
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