This is a very simple game on Twitter. You just need to start tweeting “A is for [something]” with the Hashtag #AisFor then your friends can continue with “B is for [something] #AisFor”.
Just started it randomly and it ended with 3 other friends participating at the end. The hashtag only started at J.
@nickpan: A is for Angst
@jackiegay: @nickpan B is for boliao n C is for Cookie!!!
@nickpan: @jackiegay D is for Deadline
@jackiegay: @nickpan E is for Erdinger!
@nickpan: @jackiegay F is for FRIDAYYYYYYY
@chaos_pk: @nickpan G is for gg
@nickpan: @chaos_pk @jackiegay H is for HTTP://NICKPAN.COM
@chaos_pk: @nickpan @jackiegay i is for ipad
@nickpan: @chaos_pk @jackiegay J is for Javascript #AisFor
@chaos_pk: #AisFor K is for Kinokuniya!
@nickpan: @chaos_pk #AisFor L is for LPPL
@chaos_pk: @nickpan #AisFor M is for Me which is also for N which is NICE :D
@nickpan: @chaos_pk #AisFor O is for OMG, P is for PK!
@chaos_pk: @nickpan #AisFor Q is for Quickly! just a little bit more to go ;)
@nickpan: @jackiegay @chaos_pk #AisFor S is for Sleep
@jackiegay: @chaos_pk @nickpan why no J??! J is for no Jam haha! #Aisfor
@chufang: @nickpan #AisFor T is for Tweet @jackiegay @chaos_pk
@jackiegay: @chufang @nickpan @chaos_pk U is for Umbrella cos there’s so much rain!!
@jackiegay: @chufang @nickpan @chaos_pk V is for Vampire n W is for Wikipedia
@nickpan: @jackiegay @chufang @chaos_pk #AisFor X is for XHTML & XML & XXX
@nickpan: @jackiegay @chufang @chaos_pk #AisFor Y is for Y the hell are we doing this?
@chufang: @nickpan #AisFor Z is for what we should be doing @jackiegay @chaos_pk
Its super random, I think it needs to fall into a theme.
Other then it being a casually fun MMOG (massive multiplayer online game) on micro blogging site twitter, there are of cause many other reasons why this game is a good game. ;)